Pool Table Maintenance Requirements

November 16, 2020

If you take good care of your pool table, it may last 20 years or more. Performing maintenance on a pool table isn’t hard work, but you do need to be disciplined about it. Billiard Gallery of Phoenix, AZ, sells pool table accessories, including specially designed pool table brushes. We’ve been in business since 2004. Here’s how we recommend you care for your pool table. Play Safely The first step is to take care of your pool table when you play. Don’t chalk the tip of your cue frequently, and do so away from the table. This keeps chalk dust from accumulating on the surface of the pool table. You also shouldn’t dig the tip into the felt when making shots since this can cause tears to develop. Cloth Cleaning You can buy a pool table brush or soft bristle brush to clean the cloth. You should brush away chalk and dust whenever you complete a game. Brush in one direction instead of in a circle and sweep debris into a pocket. Frame Cleaning Use a brush to clean under the rails. The rail, cabinet and legs can be cleaned with a soft dry cloth. Use a wood cleaner if...

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The Best Pool Table Accessories: 3 Must-Haves

October 18, 2020

Pool is a favorite pastime for many people, and there are some excellent accessories out now that can enhance the enjoyment of the sport, make it more convenient to play, and even make it much easier to master. What are some of the coolest must-have accessories out there right now for pool enthusiasts and casual players alike? Here are three we highly recommend. Retractable Bridge Bridges are one of those accessories you may not need very often, but when you need one, you really need one. It’s also an accessory that’s historically been under-carried by many pool players because of its somewhat inconvenient size and shape. Bridges can be found in a travel-friendly design that allows for retraction and expansion as needed. Gone are the days of having to look for and borrow that old beat-up bridge during a quick game at your friend’s or at the local pool hall. Universal Cue Extension Pool cue extensions have been around for some time. Unfortunately, the problem with these has always been that they don’t universally fit all cues nor are they universal in the amount of extra length they ultimately provide. Now, with universal pool extensions, these problems are a thing...

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What Maintenance is Needed for a Pool Table

October 12, 2020

If you take good care of your pool table, it may last 20 years or more. Performing maintenance on a pool table isn’t hard work, but you do need to be disciplined about it. Billiard Gallery of Phoenix, AZ, sells pool table accessories, including specially designed pool table brushes. We’ve been in business since 2004. Here’s how we recommend you care for your pool table. Play Safely The first step is to take care of your pool table when you play. Don’t chalk the tip of your cue frequently, and do so away from the table. This keeps chalk dust from accumulating on the surface of the pool table. You also shouldn’t dig the tip into the felt when making shots since this can cause tears to develop. Cloth Cleaning You can buy a pool table brush or soft bristle brush to clean the cloth. You should brush away chalk and dust whenever you complete a game. Brush in one direction instead of in a circle and sweep debris into a pocket. Frame Cleaning Use a brush to clean under the rails. The rail, cabinet and legs can be cleaned with a soft dry cloth. Use a wood cleaner if...

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How Do You Clean a Poker Table?

September 23, 2020

Updated: February 9, 2024 A felt-covered poker table can get dirty as accidents happen. There are ways to properly clean its surface without damaging the felt. Read on to learn more about poker table cleaning. Crumbs and Dirt People often eat while playing poker. This inevitably results in crumbs getting on your poker table. Dust and dirt can also accumulate. You can wipe these off with your hand or use a hand vacuum. You can also use a soft towel, toothbrush, or microfiber cloth to get it clean. Whichever method you use, don’t scrub too hard. Felt can be easily damaged by rough treatment. Just use light strokes in one direction. Spill Cleanup If someone’s spilled their drink during a game of poker, it should be dealt with immediately. Soak the spill up with a dry cloth. You should lay the cloth on the spill and let it soak up the liquid. Don’t press the towel as doing so will spread the liquid, making an even bigger mess. Lift the cloth after a few minutes. If the spill is still there, dab at it instead of pressing. How to Handle Stains Stains can be cleaned, even if you don’t know...

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Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the Game of Pool

August 16, 2020

Some form of pool has been played since the 1340s. While a lot of people play pool, there are some things about the game that a lot of people don’t know. Here are a few of these hidden gems. Pool Cues Pool cues are made using trees expressly grown for just that purpose. While most people just play with a single pool cue, professional pool players have three in their arsenal. The break cue is used to start the game, the jump cue is for making jump shots and the playing cue is used for all other shots. It Started as an Outside Game The game of pool started outdoors and was similar to croquet. It was so popular of a game that people wanted to play it in the winter, not just when it was nice outside. It eventually became exclusively an indoor game, with the green felt on the pool table representing a lawn. It Was Considered a Sin The Catholic Church denounced playing pool as a sin in the 1500s. It was banned in France for many years. It was also banned in several U.S. states for a number of years. Despite this, Thomas Jefferson owned a...

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The History of Poker

July 16, 2020

The origins of poker are a bit unclear. What is pretty clear, though, is that people young and old, for fun or for profit, now play poker across the United States. Here’s how the modern-day game of poker came to be. French Parlor Game Poque You can find the beginnings of poker in a game called As-Nas that was played centuries ago. It had a deck of 20 cards with five ranks. Each player got five cards and it involved bluffing. People in France played a similar game called Poque. This game became popular in New Orleans due to French traders and sailors. Like As-Nas, Poque was also played with a 20-card deck. Modern Day Poker In the mid-1800s, the modern 52-card deck was created. Poque evolved into what we know as poker. It’s a five-card game where a player wins by either having the best hand or bluffing that they do. During the American Civil War, soldiers on both sides of the conflict played poker when they wanted to pass the time. The surviving soldiers spread poker throughout the United States. Billiard Galaxy of Phoenix, AZ, sells poker tables. No game room can be considered complete unless it has...

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5 Tips to Improve your Poker Game

June 18, 2020

Finding ways to improve your poker game is always a top priority. Keeping a few tips in mind is a great way to enhance your gameplay and achieve more success. Making a few simple strategy adjustments can play a key role in helping you to become a much better player. Here are five tips to remember if you are looking to improve your poker game. 1. Focus on Ranges One of the best ways to enhance your poker skills is to focus on the range of your opponent’s hand for various scenarios. Unfortunately, many amateurs make the simple mistake of only focusing on a specific number due to a gut feeling. 2. Develop a Consistent Strategy Another important tip to remember is to develop a consistent strategy that works best for you. Always changing your strategy makes it much more difficult to improve and maintain success at playing poker. Taking the time to learn various strategies from the pros is a great way to find a method that helps you to succeed. 3. Control Your Emotions The best poker players have learned how to carefully control their emotions. Failure to control your emotions makes it much more difficult to make...

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How To Play Shuffleboard

May 14, 2020

Updated: February 9, 2024 Interested in learning a new game you can enjoy with friends? Shuffleboard is a fun game for all ages. It began as a table game, although it can also be played on a deck. One of the best things about shuffleboard is it’s easy to learn. There are also many variations to keep things interesting or add a bit more of a challenge. Here’s how to play the game so that you can get the most use out of your shuffleboard table in Phoenix, AZ. Basic Rules of Shuffleboard While rules vary, some basic shuffleboard guidelines will apply to most games. The game is played by taking turns sliding weights or pucks across the board and against your opponent’s weights. Your goal is to land your pucks in the highest scoring area of the board without falling off the scoring board into the alley. As you play, you can attempt to knock your opponent’s pucks off the board or even use your pucks to protect pucks in high-scoring areas. Most shuffleboard games are played until someone scores 15 or 21 points. How to Score a Shuffleboard Game The shuffleboard scoring area has three sections. Here’s how...

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Top Essentials For The Perfect Man Cave

April 17, 2020

Updated: January 31, 2024 The perfect man cave is a place where a guy can retreat to relax and have fun. In your man cave, you get to enjoy the finer things in life such as sports, beer, video games and snacks. Here are the top essentials any perfect man cave shouldn’t be without. 4k Ultra HD TV Set No perfect man cave is complete without a large 4k Ultra HD TV. You should consider the size of the room before buying one of these TVs because you don’t want it too large or too small. The TV set will be used to watch sporting events and movies or to play video games, so you’ll want the best TV you can afford. Video Game Console You need a video game system for the ultimate man cave. It should be one or more of the latest consoles from Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo. These are great for playing both single- and multi-player games. PlayStation and Xbox consoles can also let you surf the internet, play Blu-rays and connect to streaming services. Pool Table The perfect man cave needs a pool table. Most guys love to play pool, so your man cave may...

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What are Other Games that can be Played on a Pool Table?

March 12, 2020

Many people know how to play standard eight-ball or nine-ball, which are fun games, but there are a number of other games you can play using a pool table as well. Some of these other options are Baseball Billiards, One Pocket and Bowlliards. Read on so that you can learn how to play each game. Baseball Billiards The game of baseball billiards was created in 1912, and each player is allowed nine innings to score as many “runs” as he or she can. In order to play this game, you will need 21 balls and an oversized rack. The nine ball that is located at the center of the rack is the “pitcher,” while home plate is the table’s foot spot. Except on the break, when you make a shot, you need to indicate the ball and intended pocket. The winner of the game will have the highest number of runs when all players have gone through nine innings. One-Pocket One-pocket is meant for two players or two teams and is a game of skill and accuracy. Each player chooses a corner pocket, and the goal is to score eight object balls before anyone else does. One-pocket is a favorite...

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